Sunday, December 23, 2018

My List of Teacher Websites I Find Helpful

Being a fresh out of school, and starting your career as a teacher can be definitely get your nerves going. You walk into your classroom for the first time thinking, "Am I ready?" Or "Do I have the resources I need to keep this classroom afloat?" Believe it or not, you are not alone. There is a sea of teachers out there that feel the same way you do. I think what is most important is to make sure your classroom is set up in a way that is conducive to the students' learning. There is a plethora of websites out there available to you to guide you along the way and also provide you with ideas to get those imaginative juices flowing. I took some time to sit down and research teacher websites to see what was readily available, and these are the websites I found to be filled with useful information and ideas:

  • https://teachervision. com

These websites are filled with helpful information to promote positive, fun, and structured learning within your classroom! What I love about these websites is that they promote the fun of learning! They are filled with lesson plans and activities that will not only grab the students' attention but they are developmentally appropriate as well. They will give you helpful ideas on how to organize your classroom, classroom management and give guides on assessments. Use these websites to your advantage, they were created to help you along the way. You are not alone in the world of teaching. Us educators are a team and are there to help each other out every step of the way.

Image result for organized classroom environmentImage result for science activities for kindergarten